Preparation of investment projects in Hungary and abroad, project development
As a result of the economic crisis, unfavorable trends in the Hungarian consumer environment, and the fluctuations in the exchange rate of the forint,for a majority of Hungarian businesses it is key to be present in export markets.In addition to establishing export relations as a first step, today more and more businesses decide to make capital investments abroad for better profitability.
Also, in many fields Hungary is an attractive target for foreign businesses and investors.
Elycon LLC offers the following services:
- Finding locations for business, pre-decision consultation(taxation, regulatory environment, local labor market, infrastructure, wage levels, etc.)
- Assistance with permit procedures and other dealings with authorities
- Finding partners, contractors and sub-contractors for project implementation
We often experience that feasible, socially significant, and economically viable initiatives fail due to a lack of own resources and because external resources are also not available for the project in its original form. It is in such cases that project development becomesnecessary. With a combination of the above-listed elements we provide complex and highly professional project development and consultancy services to local municipalities, business organizations, and even private individuals.
In project development the client’s original objectives and intentions are maintained but such solutions/changes in approach are proposed that make the project implementable using bank loans and/or grant funding. During the process, all relevant background documents that are required for the use of external funding are prepared (e.g. business plan, ROI calculations, etc.).
A frequent condition of winning EU grantsis the project concerned to be implemented by development partnerships/consortiums. Based on its existing partner relations and experience, Elycon LLC makes proposals to its Clients for the establishment of partnerships (either with or without the objective of winning grant funding) and for the both technical and organizational elements of partnership agreements.